For the basis of this commission, called Soft Press, I wanted to work with all the materials that I have collected all these years based on texture, structure, visual appeal, colour,... As I don't like to impose certain rules or a preconceived plan on myself, I took a very intuitive approach to this assignment.
I started making scans under the scanner, laid the materials on the glass plate by feel, folded it and took a scan. I went this way for more than 100 scans; chose my materials by feel, put them in indeterminate compositions and took a scan. In this way, I finally obtained the result of several visually stimulating images without thinking too much about them. This was a very liberating assignment for me because normally I always look for structure, rhythm and a foothold, something I would like to loosen up and follow my feelings more in graphic design. I then compiled these scans into a publication that I hand-bound and where I finally had all these archival materials all together.

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